Saturday, January 17, 2015

Why Self-Employment is Wonderful

Despite the not-wonderfulness of sporadic and unreliable pay, no employer-paid vacations, no employer-paid insurance, having to pay both halves of FICA, and other features of not being on somebody else's staff, if I'd stayed in cubicle-land I doubt I could ever have worked up to an office with a view like this one from my home office window last summer.
Looking out office window last June.

Granted, the crepe myrtle blooms for only a few weeks.  But even during the less colorful time of year I look out and see nature stuff --good for humans, according to a number of studies.  

January, same tree, same window.

The transition from self-employment to retirement doesn't have to be abrupt unless that's the way you want it.  It's entirely possible to change a busy schedule to a more leisurely one by backing off on marketing efforts and accepting fewer jobs.

Okay, to be honest I also need a bit more income, so I can't quit entirely.

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