Thursday, May 5, 2016

Homemade garden art

A year ago my daughter gave me a 4x4 for Mothers Day.  How can I not love someone who knows me so well?  We had been admiring “art poles” at a local nursery, and threatening to make something similar ourselves.   So she bought a 4x4 for each of us to jump-start the creative process.  As usual, she had a group of three posts--painted in bright colors and adorned with birdhouses--installed in her yard within a couple of months, whereas I dragged my feet and only got mine put up last week.

It was great fun painting them but I didn’t know how well they would stand up to rain and wind, especially with a plant on top of one of them and a “bird bath” on another one. So far so good, even with two thunderstorms.

Now I’m inspired to get back into furniture painting, because it is so relaxing and uses a different part of my brain from the writing/editing work I still do part time.