Salvia greggii: overwintered nicely, now blooming like crazy. This is a great landscape plant. Hummingbirds and butterflies like it too.
Purple trailing lantana: four from last year coming back; three new ones to fill in. They will spread over this area and be covered with purple blossoms.
Calylophus: looked ratty after winter. Now getting full and starting to bloom. Will be covered with yellow blossoms soon. It was new last year; should spread some more this year.
Avocado tree: impulse purchase, maybe foolish. This is a Lila, a self-pollinating variety that is supposedly okay down to 15 degrees. More cold tolerant but less productive than the ones grown commercially down in the Valley.
Bolting lettuce: I was caught off guard by this (of course). We had a few warm days but I still thought it would last another month. Red sails and green oak leaf varieties still taste okay; romaine is bitter.
Butterfly: what kind? Looked it up online; it might be a red admiral.